syracuse interface workshop

Arsalan Kahnemuyipour and Jaklin Kornfilt have organized an interface workshop at Syracuse University. You can download the program with abstracts here.

Here’s the schedule (Friday April 23 and Saturday April 24):

Friday April 23, 2010

Morning Session HL (Hall of Languages) 107

8:00 am Coffee and bagels

8:45 am Opening remarks

Chair: Jaklin Kornfilt, Syracuse University

9 am – 10 am Lisa Selkirk (UMass, Amherst): Reconceptualizing prosodic structure formation and its role in the syntax-phonology interface

10 am – 11 am Bridget Samuels (U Maryland, College Park): I-phrases and PF crashes

11 am – 12 pm Jason Kandybowicz (Swarthmore College): Syntactic and Prosodic Alignment: a Case Study from Twi Do-insertion

Afternoon Sessions Kittredge Auditorium

12 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch Break

Session 1 Chair: Jeff Runner, University of Rochester

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Molly Diesing and Draga Zec (Cornell): The positions of clitics in discourse

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Michael Wagner (McGill): Contrastive topics decomposed

3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Coffee Break

Session 2 Chair: John Whitman, Cornell University

4 pm – 5 pm Christine Gunlogson (U Rochester): On tag questions

5 pm – 6 pm Mats Rooth (Cornell): Localizing the Phonology Interface for Alternative Semantics

6:30 pm Reception

Saturday April 24, 2010 HL (Hall of Languages) 207

7:45 am Coffee and bagels

Session 1 Chair: Arsalan Kahnemuyipour, Syracuse University

8:30 am – 9:30 am David Embick (UPenn): Towards a theory of stem alternations

9:30 am – 10:30 am Heidi Harley (U Arizona): Accounting for morphology/syntax mismatches: the Fun House Mirror Principle

10:30 am – 11:00 am Coffee Break

Session 2 Chair: Greg Carlson, University of Rochester

11 am -12 pm Joyce McDonough (U Rochester): Defining the units inside a word: A paradigm-driven approach to Dene polysynthesis

12 pm – 1 pm Martina Wiltschko (UBC): Category, sound, and meaning: Exploring the syntax of polysemy