womm! 2010

Workshop on Mixed Models on May 3rd and May 4th 2010

[The slides from the workshop are now posted on Florian’s blog. Thanks everyone who participated for making this an interesting event!]

The gripp reading group at McGill and the CRLMB are organizing a statistics workshop on logit mixed models.

The workshop will feature lectures and tutorials on ordinary and multilevel/mixed models by Florian Jaeger (University of Rochester), Maureen Gillespie (Northeastern), and Peter Graff (MIT).

Sponsors: CRLMB, prosody.lab, the Mcgill Infant
Development Cluster, the PoP lab, the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience
training grant, Digging into Data (SSHRC/NSF), and BRAMS.

The workshop will take place at McGill. The precise schedule is still to
be determined, the current plan looks like this:


Introduction to Generalized Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models
(Florian Jaeger)

Lunch (provided for registered participants)

Public Talk by Florian Jaeger
Room 501 of the Goodman Cancer Research Centre, 1160 Pine Ave. West.

Hands-on Tutorial: Implementing Hypotheses: Coding
(Maureen Gillespie)


Common issues and solutions in regression analyses (Florian Jaeger)

Lunch (provided for registered participants)

Comparing linguistic theories using logistic regression (Peter Graff)

Hands-on Tutorial: Bring your own data

There will be a party, probably on the evening Monday May 3rd. There
will be a fee of $10 to set off cost for coffee and food.

If you are interested in participating, please register here.

Registration will be first-come-first-served, but priority will be given
to members of the sponsoring labs and institutions. We’ll try to
accommodate everyone, but the earlier you register the better!

We’ll send more detailed information to all registered people closer to
the workshop. You can bring your own laptop with R installed
(instructions how to do this and which packages you will need will be
sent out before the workshop).

If you have any questions, please send an email here, or contact one of
the organizers:


Hope to see you there!

The Organizers.
Aparna Nadig, Kris Onishi, Michael Wagner.