daniel büring at mcgill

Daniel Büring will be visiting McGill Linguistics this weekend for etap and stay on for a couple of days afterwards, funded by the McGill Syntactic Interfaces Research Group. Here’s the ABC of his visit:

A. Invited Talk at ETAP2:

Saturday, September 24
9:00-9:30am New Residence, Ballroom B (directions)

Daniel Büring: Correspondence at the Syntax–Phonology Interface
(joint work with Hubert Truckenbrodt, ZAS, Berlin)

*Abstract: In this paper we analyze the syntax-to-prosody mapping in German and English using Correspondence Theory. Our proposal develops the original ideas of containment based mapping theories like Truckenbrodt’s (1995) StressXP/WrapXP and is offshoots such as Selkirk’s (2009) recent Match theory, but tackles a number of notorious problems for these, in particular the interaction of stress assignment and movement, as well as directional asymmetries with predicate integration as well as focus. We argue that the correspondence theoretic format offers distinctive advantages in these realms.**

B. Monday, September 26
Mini-Workshop on Semantics
1085 Dr. Penfield Avenue
Seminar Room (117)

2.30 Bagels and Juice

2.45-3.15 Alan Bale: Multidimensional Adjectives
3.15-3.45 Schwartz, Buccola & Hamilton:
Two types of class B numeral modifiers: a reply to Nouwen (2010).

3.45-3.55 Short Break

3.55-4.25 Walter Pedersen: Implicit arguments, Focus and Coordination
4.25-4.55 Aron Hirsch & Michael Wagner: Prosodic Effects of Topicality

C. Tuesday, September 27
1085 Dr. Penfield Avenue
Class Room (002)

Daniel Büring: Non at-issue meanings: Introduction and Case Studies